Physical Education
Why Education has been considered as an essential part of human life,Physical activities are not only to keep fit but to prevent and treat the physic aliments, Greece is considered the father of physical education,Modern thinkers in education emphasize that the best individual is one who is wholly fit, mentally sound and sharp, emotionally balanced and socially well adjusted, Physical activity is also required for proper growth and development. Physical education stands for all round development of an
Individual child, Physical education is directly related to physical health, strength,endurance, qued, steely, flexibility and performance on the sports field. Physical education is the education through physical activities
Meaning, and Definition of Physical Education
The meaning of physical Education is considered as education of the body which enables an individual to grow and develop completely, The literal meaning of physical' is 'body' which directly relates to physique (physical structure), health, strength,endurance ability to bear pain or hardships/sahanshakti), speed, agility (Phurti), flexibility (lachak), and physical performance
on the sports field,
To understand the meaning of 'Physical Education' we should understand the meaning of 'Education Education has a wide meaning. It is a process of learning which modifies our behavior towards progress or in other words, it is a process of up in knowledge for improvement of humans. The word 'Physical' is referred bodily movements or body actions. Thus we can say that Physical Education is a process of learning which modifiés our behavior through bodily based actions.Physical Education includes the acquisition and refinement of motor skills, the development and maintenance of fitness for optimal health, getting knowledge about physical activities and exercise and development of positive attitudes towardsphysical activity to improve human performances,
Definitions of Physical Education
Physical Education has been defined in differently by specific
physical educationists. Some of the definitions of physical education
and Recreation
“Physical education is the sum of those experiences which come to the individual through movement." -Delbert Oberteuffer
"Physical education is that phase of the whole field of education that deals with big muscles activities and their relate responses
- J.B. Nash
"Physical education is the sum of man's physical activities Selected as to kind and conducted as to outcomes."
- J.F.Willimas and C.L.Brownell
"Physical Education is that phase of education which is concerned, first, with the organizing and leadership of children in big muscle activities, to gain the development and adjustment inherent in the activities according to social standards, and second, with the leadership of the activities so that the educational process may go on without growth handicaps."
-Clark W. Hetherigton
"Education through human movement where many of the educational objectives are achieved by means of big muscle activities involving sports, games, gymnastics, dance and exercise."
"Physical Education is a part of education which gives instructions in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenic exercises to a course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics and the performance and management of athletics and games."
- Webster's Dictionary,
"Physical Education is that part of education which takes place through activities, involve the motor mechanism of human body resulting in an individual's formulating behavior patterns."
-Jackson R. Sharma
"Physical Education is an integral part of total educational process to develop physically, mentally, emotionally and socially fit citizens through physical activities."
- Charles A. Bucher
"Physical Education as "An education through physical activities for the development of total personality of the child to its fullness and perfection in body, mind and soul."
- Central Advisory Board of Physical Education and Recreation
"Physical Education is the sum of those experiences which come to the individual through movements."
"Physical Education is the social process of change in the behaviour of human organism, originating primarily fromthe stimulus of social, big muscle, play and related activities."
Conclusion of Definitions, Physical education is an important part of general education, which promotes harmonious growth and development. Through physical activities a person improves and strengthens his body which is essential for leading happy life. Physical education brings a desirable change in the behavior and attitude of an individual. A person becomes physically, mentally, socially and emotionally adjusted within the society.
Aim and Objectives of Physical Education
The aim of physical education is the wholesome development of an individual, or it can be said that the aim of physical education is complete living. In fact, aim of physical education is an apex point which seems to be out of reach. In general,wholesome development of an individual' is the aim of physical education and this aim can be achieved step by step. These steps are called objectives. So its aim is one but objectives may be many in number.
- "Physical Education should aim to provide skilled leadership, adequate facilities and ample time for the individual and the groups to participate in activities that are physically wholesome, mentally stimulating and socially sound." -J.F.Williams
- "The aim of physical education must be to make every child physically, mentally and emotionally fit and also to develop in him/her such personal and social qualities that will help him/her to live happily with others and build up a good citizen.",
- Ministry of Education and National Planning of Physical Education and Recreation
After the meta-analysis of the above mentioned objectives it can be concluded that following are the main objectives of physical education.
Physical Development: To achieve the ultimate aim of physical education, the objective of physical development has to be achieved. According to this objective, body should grow in a proper way. Physical activities help in developing the body.Our body is a kind of machine which grows and develops with physical activities. Physical development improves neuron muscular responses and leads to maximum organic development. Thus, physical activities must be performed to develop optimum growth. This objective also guides a person to make his body strong, well-shaped, good looking, good working of internal organs, good health and improves the physical personality.
Mental Development: The mental level of an individual can be developed with the help of physical education. Various physical activities not only require physical strength but also need alertness of mind, deep concentration and precise movements. The study of physical education also includes understanding techniques of the game, rules and regulations,anatomical and physiological studies, balanced diet, etc. Thus physical education improves the knowledge of an individual and enables him to face and solve new situations and problems. In this way, his mental development takes place in different forms
Social Development : This objective is related to the deve3lopment of social traits, which are essential for better adjustment in life. A society can prosper in a healthy social environment and this is possible only through the program of physical education.
Neuro-Muscular Co-Ordination : A better relationship between nervous system and muscular system is the main thing of this objective. The activities of physical education provide ample opportunities for the better Neuro-muscular co-ordination. Our Neuro-muscular co-ordination is developed in various game situations. Good neuro-muscular co-ordination helps to keep off fatigue during vigorous activities. The proper use of our energy can be made. If we are having good neuro-muscular co-ordination, we can use our energy properly. We get accuracy and smooth functioning of our body. Our
reaction time becomes less by doing physical activities. These activities help in making efficient movements of our body.Thus, through physical activities, our neuro-muscular co-ordination becomes efficient.
Emotional Development: Emotions are very important part for optimum development of man's personality. Physical education aims at attaining emotional stability from its participants. This means that one should be able to face any type of situation. Competitions are an indispensable part of physical education characterized by success and failure. Physical education teaches the students to accept both success and failure gracefully This helps him/her in future life as he/she is able to accept the success and failure in life alike.
Development of Health : The development of health is an important objective of physical education. This develop health related habits through health education. This also provides education about the prevention of commune cable diseases. There are various programmes about recreation. The programmes of physical education in modern age reduce the anxiety, stress and tension up to a large extent, so that the health of individuals could be promoted.
Development of Organs: A healthy mind can exist only in a healthy body. In order to keep the body healthy, physical activities are essential. Physical education utilizes big muscle activities as its one medium to impart knowledge to its students. These big muscle activities help to develop organic fitness. When we engage in physical activities, the body demands more and more from various systems and organs. These systems and organs have to function optimally to cope with the stress of the activity. As a result these systems and organs develop, which ultimately brings about the organic and functional development of the body.
Intellectual or Cognitive Development: The objective of cognitive development is met while participating in various games and sports. The participants of these activities should learn and remember various rules and regulations govern ingthe activity and apply these rules according to the situations He also learns the values these activities and its carry overvalues in future life. In support of these research in physical education and sports had already proved that students whoexcel in various sports and games are having a higher intelligent quotient as compared to the students of lesser physical
Career Options in Physical Education
Mainly, there are two types of career options in the field of physical education. The first is career options related to teachingand coaching physical education. These are called traditional careers in physical education. The second is career options,related to emerging careers in physical education, i.e., administration related careers, health related careers, media relatedcareers, sports performance related careers, etc.
To identify the sports talent and provide adequate training in sports, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) organizes theNational Sports Talent contest for the students between the age of 9 to 11 year. About 3000 students are selected every year.There are various career opportunities in sports now-a-days. Unlike earlier days when a player, after his retirement, could hardly earn sufficiently as his career had been virtually jeopardized, today the situation has changed considerably, for the better. One can actively participate as a player in his hay-days, represent his state or country, and make money as a professional
player Once, a player takes retirement he/she has the option to become a manager, selector, coach, administrator, etc
The following career opportunities can be beneficial :
1. Teaching Career in Physical Education
Physical Education has traditionally been considered a professional
field appropriate only for those interested in teaching career. The
teaching career has many rewards for the
teachers. In elementary,middle, high, senior secondary schools, colleges or universities, the teacher has deep respect among the students because he/she makes a good contribution to society. They also have good job security.
Physical Education teachers also enjoy the benefit of long vacation periods. But on the other hand, they are not very well paid. They do not have public support. Their salaries are low in comparison to otherteachers of education or other fields professionals.In schools, there is always a heavy workload on a physical education teacher. In India, physical education teachers are not employed in primary schools. But fact is that education is must in play a very vital role in the development of children. Children, though physical activity, become creative, develop self-image
elementary schools. Basic skills and attitudes of physical activity can be learnt well in this period. Physical education programmes and grow in a meaningful manner. Indians are lagging behind in the field of sports at international level, so there is all the more Physical Education physical Education)
need of the physical education teachers in the field of education. The government and society must lay stress on implementing physical education in primary schools and qualified physical education teachers should be appointed so that they may produce good sports persons and healthy citizens. In government schools, middle bodies have rare opportunities of employment for physical education teachers. In number of public schools, physical education teachers are required to teach other subject also. There are a number of opportunities of jobs in the field of physical education in government, private and public high schools. Postgraduate teachers of physical education are required in senior secondary schools.
2. Coaching Career in Physical Education
Coaching has always been one of the most proffered career choice in the field of physical education. It has always been a traditional career choice for physical educators. There are number of job opportunities available for coaching in both, the institutional and non-institutional settings. There are lots of job opportunities to teach and coach in middle, secondary and senior secondary schools, in colleges and universities. Now a days almost every private school appoints a physical educator to teach physical education and also to coach their teams. Often many schools, colleges and universities appoint a physical educator only to coach their teams and players for inter-school, inter-collegiate and inter-university competitions. Although this practice is more in trend in private public schools, colleges and universities.Also, in non-school setting there are number of job opportunities as a coach available in sports department of various states and Sports Authority of India (SAI). There are lots of coaching opportunities also available with professional teams, commercial sports clubs, hotels, private and governments institution.Most of the physical educators prefer coaching as a career because this profession provides lucrative rewards in the form of respect, fame and excitement of winning. Though there are some drawbacks also associated with this career, as this profession often has long coaching hours. Coaches may have to spent several hours on the field (during practice sessions) and off the field, to assess the outcome of the training sessions, result of the game, planning for the future and discussion sessions with the players and team management. Also there is a difference in the salary slab and incentives due to various factors such as, level of the team/sporting event, level of the institution, objective of hiring the coach, etc. Other than these coaches are gene rally under tremendous pressure to win the game/competition.A coach must be a good teacher and motivator. A coach is expected to motivate his team/players in such a way so that their performance level could be improved. Every prospective coach is expected to obtain a diploma at least one game or sport. Degree of Master of Sports (MS) is an additional qualification for higher level of coaching.
3. Health Related Career
During the last twenty years, there has been a rapid increase in the awareness of health. People have realize value d the value of health. Everyone wants to lead a healthy lifestyle. That is why, health related career opportunities in the field of physical education have expanded in recent years.
The very first and significant area under health related careers is health and weight control clubs. These clubs are based on the individual's desires to be physically fit, to have a slim and trim figure and to look the best. Physical educators may find ample job opportunities in such health and weight control clubs. The activities and services provided by these clubs vary but fitness activities remain same. The facilities to play various games, such as tennis, squash, swimming are usually provided. Other facilities like saunas, whirlpool, massage and steam rooms are also offered. Instructions diet and nutrition are also given to the clients. In health clubs, where weight control and nutritional counseling concerns, physical educators may evaluate the clients dietary habits so that they may reach their goal. Job opportune excellent as the interest of the people to remain fit and healthy, is increasing.Another field of career is athletic training under health related careers. But in case of India such careers are a
only at national level. In India, there is no scope of job opportunities in schools and colleges, whereas in western Opportunistic for athletic trainer's responsibilities are numerous but their prime responsibilities is related to prevent programmers. So, we can say that the job opportunities for physical educators are widely available in various health and sports injuries and rehabilitation of injured athletes. The athletic trainer works with coaches in making and super vise and control clubs There is a need for individuals trained in sports management owing to increased sports participation and sports business. For administration related careers one can go for sports administration, management and organization, soon management, community recreation management and health club management. One can become the director of assistant director or sports, D.S.O. (District Sports Officer), A.E.O. (Sports) Assistant Education Officer (Sports). Such porn based on seniority, so there is no need for separate management for them, in India.In fact, administrators are required not only in teaching areas but they are also required in areas not connected teaching such as sports programmes.
4. Career in Field of Sports Administration
Owing to increased sports participation and sports-related business, there is a need for individuals trained in sports manager Now administration-related career opportunities are available in various field, such as sports administration, management sports clubs and facilities, sports marketing and promoting, etc. In western countries, colleges and universities of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in sports management but in India it is in the beginning stage Though management administration are taught as a subject at both levels (UG and PG) in the field of physical education, there are various fie within physical education where administration is required.In fact, administrators are required not only in teaching areas but also in areas not connected with teaching such a sports programmes. The careers related to administration in physical education are as follows:
(a) in Sports Department:
There are many job opportunities related to administration in sports department. The posts director of sports exists in almost every university in India. The director of sports is responsible for the administration various programmes of games and sports. These posts may be found at district level for schools' competition. The designation of AEO (sports) or ADEO (sports) is given to them. There may be the post of Assistant Director of Sports the University level to assist the Director of Sports. The Director of Sports is responsible for the administration of meand women's sports and games. He/She supervises coaches and assistant coaches. The Director of Sports mus knowledgeable regarding the rules and regulations of sports competitions including the eligibility of sports participant His/Her other jobs are fixing of dates for competitions, arranging officials, and planning for transportation, lodging at
boarding, He/she is also responsible for preparing the sports budget. States' sports departments have also administration-related jobs such as District Sports Officer at District levelcoaches of various games and sports and other officials work under his/her administration.In western countries, there are also intramural or campus recreation programmes. These programmes have sexpanded to include not only students but faculty and staff members also. The administrative work is performed bydirector of in tramurals or the Directors of Campus Recreation. Their main responsibility is to promote participation.
Her other responsibilities are approximately same as in other sports departments.
(b) Industrial Recreation :
Nowadays, many multinational companies and national companies are providing recreation and sports opportunities for their employees. these companies lay stress on the health, fitness and well-being of
employees because healthy and fit employees usually have more capacity to do work. They can increase the production which is in the benefit of companies. Therefore, these companies need qualified
professionals to direct these active The responsibilities include establishing a programme of activities, setting up teams schedule for competitions are supervising the programmes related to fitness of employees. The Director of Industrial Recreation is the designation such companies.
5. Performance Related Careers
As a Player : A large number of sports persons participate in various games and sports throughout the world. They participate at various levels such as inter-school or college level competition, district level competition, state level competition, national level competition, international level competition, Olympic games, etc. But only highly skilled performers reach at the top level. Sports persons, who are most successful in competitions, usually seek sports career.The job opportunities are greater than in the past but number of individuals in the professional sports is very limited in western countries, whereas the job opportunities in India are very limited owing to less number of professional sports.Many sports scholarships for good sportsmen are available in India at various levels. The careers of those who pursue sports career, are for short duration. In India, good sports career is available in cricket, lawn tennis and marathon race.Many job are also available for skilled sports persons in government and private sectors, such as in defense services,banks, companies or industrial corporation, railways, etc. In western countries, many sports persons in such sports as baseball, basketball, football, hockey, athletics, golf, boxing, tennis, etc., earn more in a decade of employment than an average worker during a lifetime vocation. The professional players related to 'New York Yankies' get highest salaries in the world. Martina Navratilova is currently one of the world's highest paid sports persons through commercial advertisements. Billie Jean King became the first woman tennis player in 1971 to win 1,00,000 dollars in a year. There are so many examples in India also, especially in cricket. The sports persons, who want to pursue professional careers in sports, may fail to get professional ranks or have to leave the professional arena after a few years.
(a)As a Officials: The smooth conduct of a sport tournament or competition depends on good officials. As it has already been discussed above that the performance of players remains for short duration. Generally, it is a career of approximately ten years. After that sport persons may pursue the career as officials because they know the ins and outs of the game.Such type of job opportunities are available as part-time officials or full-time officials. There are various officials in tournament depend on the number of tournaments held every year. It is also a good career related to sports and games. Even college students earn some income by officiating in inter-college sports competitions. Many former
sportsperson turn to officiating as a full-time professional career after sports career. In this career, an individual must have the participation experience and qualification to meet the standard set by the particular sports organization. In officiating, not only the knowledge of the rules is important but one must possess good officiating mechanics also. A good official must be able to work under pressure. Officiating can be a challenging career, but in India it is still in budding stage as less number of competitions are held in comparison to western countries.
6. Careers in Communication Media
The communication media, i.e., television, radio, newspapers and magazines, etc., have contributed to the enhancement of various career opportunities in sports communication. The above-mentioned means of communication have increased the sports coverage. Cable television channels, such as ESPN, Ten sports Star Sports provide 24 hours coverage of sports and games. In fact, it has enhanced a number of career opportunities in communication media. There are various careers related to communication media. These are stated subsequently.
(a) Sports Journalism : With the increase in activities of games and sports, the demand of sports journalism has also increased.Many sportsmen who have interest in writing and reporting may find career opportunities in the field of sports journalism. The are quire command over language and some additional qualifications like certificate, diploma or degree in journalism and/or mass communication. They can work as Sports Reporters, Correspondents, Column Writers/ Critics, Editor, etc.
(b) Book Writing: Many opportunities for physical educators are wide available of book writing in the field of physical education. There is a great scope for book writers in the field of physical education and sports. The physical educators, who have knowledge of various sub-disciplines of physical education, bio mechanics, sports sociology, sports medicine, exercise, physiology, research methods, sports psychology, sports philosophy, sports pedagogy, sports management. Expert persons can take up writing textbooks as a carer and of various sports can take-up writing textbooks as a career.
(c) Sport Photography : Photography and T.V. Reporters: A person can get a career as T.V. or Radio commentator. These days T.V. is getting Dinol Education programme. These competitions are physical Education.
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