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Yoga NOTES Class-11 Chapter-5 WITH PDF

Physical Education


The oldest known science of self-development is yoga. It is the answer to modern machine age and is man's deepest need. It solves the problems of Health, piece of mind and  physical fitness. Yoga teaches us how to control the condition and improve  of every part of our body. It also helps us how to keep our mind in order to attain real lasting peace. It is simple to perform and enjoyable. These days, yoga has become universal. It can be used by everyone regardless of age, sex, physical conditions, background, etc. People use yoga to overcome their individual problems. t is used to correct the physical deformities of children and even elderly people.

Western countries are turning to yoga because it has been proved that yoga successfully counteracts the occupational pains that every person has these days. Yoga helps in balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotions. Yoga is also mentioned in Ramayana, Mahabharat and Upanishads. Patanjali also wrote about yoga in 1471 B.C. During this period, yoga had developed significantly. Yoga is the main part of Indian culture.

Meaning and Importance of Yoga

Meaning of Yoga

The word Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj", which means to untie, add or bind. Yoga has been referred to in our Vedas, Puranas, Upnishads and Gita. In ancient times, this word was associated with Saadhana or efforts to control the body, mind and emotions for attaining unity with God or Paramatma. Very often, yoga is misunderstood by students and laymen as yogasana or yoga mudra and pranayama. Actually, these are the two parts of yoga proper and do not represent the whole. Yoga as a whole is a way of life or Saadhana that helps an individual to control the mind and intellect. By keeping the body healthy a person can feel the joy eternal. In this way, yoga is said to destroy all pain and sorrow. Yoga has been defined in different ways. We can define yoga as an effort to obtain inner peace and happiness. It may be described as the method by which the restlessness of the mind is calmed and energies directed into constructive channels. Patanjali has defined yoga as the control of mental modifications or fluctuations Another definition of yoga describes it as the

steady control of the senses and the mind. In fact, all the practices and methods in the field of spiritual "Sadhana" are called yoga. The following definitions can be beneficial to yoga:

Definitions of Yoga

"Checking the impulses of mind is yoga"                                         --Patanjali

"Yoga is attaining the pose."                                                            -- Maharishi Ved Vyas

"Yoga is spiritual Kamdhenu."                        --Swami Sampurnanand

"The knowledge about Shiva and Shakti is yoga"                 --Agam

"Oneness of man with God is known as yoga."                              -- Shri Bharti Krishan Tirth

"Skill in actions or efficiency alone is yoga                                     --Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna

Yoga keeps the body healthy and increases the concentration of the mind It can be described as the science of healthy and better living physically, mentally, intellectually and spiritually. Yoga is a way of life, a means to enjoy complete, happy, healthy and peaceful life.

Importance of Yoga

Yoga science is very important in human life. Yoga makes one healthy, strong, efficient and skillful Yoga is useful for persons of alleges de infuses energy. Through yogic exercises all the body organs start working properly Yogic exercises make muscles strong and help to increase mental balance.

The following points show the importance of yoga:

1. Improving Health : Through asanas or body postures, it is attempted to keep the body healthy Health is very important objective of yoga because without being healthy it is impossible to free the mind from the feelings of pain, etc. for Concentration on the other aspects of yoga. A yogic asanas help maintain and improve health by making our muscles strong, joints flexible and regulating other systems of the body such as respiration, circulation, excretion, nervous and the glandular system. Thus, though asanas an all-round development of individual takes place that help him/her to lead a carefree and contented life. The care of health is an important need of the day. Health is being seriously impaired in the world today and the practice of yogasanas is making a very valuable contribution in solving health problems.

2. Curing Diseases and Deformities : Many diseases and deformities can be cured by practicing yoga asanas and pranayama The diseases that are claimed to be cured by yoga asanas and pranayama include like, bronchitis, asthma, gout, high and low blood pressure, cough, cold, indigestion, constipation, diabetes, piles, backache, deformities in legs, etc. The list is quite comprehensive. The curative values of yoga have made the practice of yoga very popular in the world.

3.Reducing Mental Tension: Yogic exercises help in reducing mental tension. The modern age has disturbed most of the person's peace and happiness because of these stress and tension. Though yoga is not only the physique that develops but it also helps in developing mental faculties and control over the mind. Therefore, by practicing asana, development of

muscles, body parts and nerves, which are vital links between body and mind, results in improvement of mental faculties.

4. Emotional Development: An important contribution of yoga is the development of the powers of concentration, control over one's feeling and desires and detachment. Lack of self-control in the modern world is the cause of fear, anger, jealousy, sorrow, etc. Therefore, the practice of yoga can help an individual to free himself/herself from such emotional states and lead a happy and carefree life. 

5.Keeps the Correct Posture of Body: Postural deformities, now-a-days, are common in individuals. Without good posture, they are unable to do their work properly. They cannot enjoy life. They usually put more energy in simple tasks.If we perform yogic asanas regularly, we can keep the correct posture of our body. Vajrasana, Sarvangasana, Mayurasana, Chakrasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, etc. are not only preventive asanas but curative also. Through these yogic exercises, we can keep our body hale and hearty.

6.Moral Development: Moral degradation is the scourge of the modern world. The branch of yoga, yama teaches moral discipline by practicing truth, non-violence, non-stealing, brahmacharya, etc. Such qualities developed through yoga can help an individual to raise his moral conduct and lead a contented life himself and make his contribution towards the uplift of society

7. Social Development: By developing cleanliness, i.e. purity of mind and body, contentment, austerity and surrender to God through the practice of niyama in yoga, one can make a lot of contribution in this tension-ridden world. Social relations in the modern world are strained and unhealthy The development of social qualities through niyama can help to develop healthy relations in society

8.Spiritual Development: The world today is taking in spiritual qualities such qualities help to improve social order and enrich lite Therefore, there is a great need for developing such qualities these days. Greed, jealousy, hatred, deception and lust are increasing in society. The practice of yoga, introduces us the ways of right thinking, right conduct, physical well being and other moral virtues. Yoga can help to remove many ills of modern society. Therefore, the desirability of leading a yogic lifestyle is more relevant today than in the past

9.Provides Relaxation : For removing fatigue, rest and relaxation is very much essential. When we indulge in any physical or mental work after some time we feel fatigue. At this juncture, we cannot do more work. So, we need relaxation Makarasana and Shavasana are really very beneficial for relaxation. Padmasana and Nadam Sadhana are best means of reducing mental fatigue.

10.Increases Flexibility: Flexibility is very significant for every person. It makes the body movement efficient and graceful. It is also helpful in preventing sports injury. Muscles become flexible by performing Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, etc

11. Prevents Premature Ageing: Yoga techniques prevent premature ageing, thus old age factors can be delayed and optimum healthy living can be attained.

Elements of Yoga

According to the "Yoga Sutras" of Patanjali, the path of yoga includes eight elements or parts of yoga. These elements of yoga are listed below
1.Yama 2.Niyama 3.Aasan     4.Pranayam 5.Pratyahara               6.Dhaarna
7. Dhyan              8. Samadhi

1.Yama: The first element of yoga is called "yama". This element lays down the rules of morality for the individual and the

society as a whole. Yama consists of five moral codes of conduct. These rules include:

(i) "Satya" or truth (ii) "Ahimsa" or non-violence (iii) Non-stealing (iv) Brahmacharya

(v) Not hoarding or collecting things.

2. Niyam: This element refers to the rules of conduct for individuals. These rules are meant for self-purification. Niyama's are ethical practices Such rules include:
(i) Practise cleanliness. (ii)Cultivate contentment or "Santosh" (iii) Educate the self.
(iv) Study scriptures and surrender to God. (v) Tapa

(i) Shauch (Purity): A person should be clean physically as well as mentally. We must keep our body clean externally as well as internally. In yoga, special emphasis is given on the purity of internal organs in yoga. For the purity of internal organs, there are six shuddhi kriyas or shatkarmas in yoga such as neti kriya, kapalabhati kriya, dhoti kriya, etc.

(ii) Santosha ( Contentment): A person should develop a feeling of satisfaction in all situations of life. We should feel satisfied with whatever God has given us. We should not run after desires.

(iii) Tapa (Detachment): To endure the difficulties, obstacles and complex situations easily in the way of attaining the objective and to go ahead continuously towards the goal is called Tapa. A person should accept the conflicts like pleasure and pain, loss and gain easily.

(iv) Swadhyaya (Study Spiritual Books): It is the first type of study. The second type of study is the study of self. To know about who am I? What should I do? What am I doing? What is the aim of my life? The above two types of studies are related to Swadhyaya.

(v) Ishvara Pranidhana (Dedication to God): It is a very important stage of Niyama. In this type of stage, a true devotee thinks that the facilities and prosperity such as body, mind, youth, intelligence, position, power, respect, etc. he has achieved in life are only due to God's grace. He surrenders to the will of God and removes vanity, pride, ego and other impurities from his mind.

3.Asana: Asana means the performance of certain body postures, bandhs and kriyas for acquiring health and internal physiological balance Asanas keep body free from diseases. Their real importance lies in the way they train and discipline the mind Asanas also increase the beauty of the body by reducing the fat There are many types of asanas e orrective asanas, relaxative asanas and meditative asanas. These asanas activate the functions of various body organs. Asanas can be done from young age to old age without any problem.

4.Pranayama : Pranayama means the science of breath control and includes the process of Inhalation, Exhalation, and Retention or holding of breathe. The holding of breath is called "Kumbhaka" in yogic terms Pranayama helps strengthen the respiratory system, purify the blood and soothe the mind.
There are three constituents of pranayama
(a) Puraka : To inhale breathe.    (b) Kumbhaka : To retain breathe    (c) Rechaka : To exhale breathe.
There are many types of parayanamas, e.g.:
(i) Suryabhedi
(ii) Ujjayi
(iii) Sheetkari
(iv) Sheetali
(v) Bhastrika
(vi) Bhramari (vii) Plavini
It helps in metabolic activities and enhances the function of heart and lungs. It also provides longevity to life.
5.Pratyahara : In this fifth element or part of yoga, a yogi tries to bring the senses under his control. These are performed
to improve intellectual capability by withdrawal of senses. It develops inner mental strength by controlling sense organs
or withdrawal of sense organs from wordly pains. The practitioner of pratyahara starts feeling extreme pleasure in God.
6.Dharana : This means an attempt to concentrate on a single point or object. It is the state of complete absorption or "Ekagrata". It is difficult to attain this quality because it is very difficult to control the mind. It is a mental exercise and first step towards Samadhi. These should be performed under the able guidance of a guru or teacher who guides for maximum development and control of senses.
7.Dhyana: It is the process of controlling the mind through meditation. 'Dhyana' is also called meditation and refers to them concentration on all pervading divinity in order to be transformed into the likeness of that divinity. It is the stage prior to Samadhi. In this codition, one is able to integrate body, control over breath, mind, senses, ego, etc. In fact, dhyana is amcomplete concentration of mind over a period of time without any divergence. It develops high levels of concentration.
8. Samadhi: It is the state of super-consciousness where 'dhyana' reaches its climax. It is also the state of union with God,mi e., merging consciousness and salvation. The union of a person's soul with the Supreme Soul is called Samadhi Samadhi is also called the checking or destruction of all the impulses of mind. During the stage of Dhyana, when the disappearance of self-awareness takes place, the yogi attains the stage of Samadhi. He begins to feel the real truth. He forgets himself completely. He begins to experience the divine pleasure. 
All these elements help to improve a person's physical health, emotional, mental, moral and social qualities and spiritual balance. People are the opinion that it takes many births and constant practice to attain all stages of yoga. After attaining the final stage, one is free from the bondage of birth and death. On the path of achieving these states, one gains a lot of wonderful
powers by which performing miracles are possible. In this age of frustration and distress, practicing yoga helps to get rid of many ailments, diseases, problems, tensions, etc. Moreover, it develops optimum level of health to lead a happy and prosperous life.

Introduction to Asanas, Pranayama,
Meditation and Yogic Kriyas

1. Asanas

Asanas is third step of yoga (in Ashtang yoga) after Yama and Niyam. According to Patanjali asana means, "sthiram sukham asanam" i.e., "that position wich is comfortable and steady". In Brahamanopanishada, "To sit in a comfortable position or posture for everlastingperiod is called asanas." Asana is that state of body in which it may be kept easily. So, we can say that the ability to sit comfortably for an extended period of time in any position is called asana. Asanas are slow stretching activity in which holding a body posture brings stability of body and poise to mind.

Classification of Asanas

Asanas are categorised under three types such as
1 Meditative Asana : Padmasana (Lotus pose), Swastikasana (Auspicious pose),
Siddhasana (perfect pose). Samanasana (Balance pose), Vajrayana (Thunderbolt pose)
etc. are grouped into this category These asanas help in stabilizing the body for
meditative practices and Pranayama
2.Relaxative Asanas : Shraavana and Makarasana are the main asanas of relaxative
asanas The practice of these asanas removes fatigue and relaxes an individual
physically and mentally. An individuals gets complete relaxation after performing
such asanas
3. Corrective Asanas: Shirsasana, Sarvangasana, Matsyasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana,
Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Mayurasana, Singhasana, etc., are the
prominent asanas of corrective asanas. These types of asanas regulate and systematise
different activities of the body and finally provide energy to the body to perform pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, etc.

These asanas are performed in standing, sitting, lying (praline and supine lying) or inverted postures. The warming-up in yoga is performed with Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute stretching). These are slow stretching activities in which heart rate,breathing rate and body temperature remain normal. The effects of asanas are internally felt and not observable. It improves physical and mental ability to great extent. It increases the concentration and controls our behavior. To show the positive effects of asanas is a long process whereas the results are permanent. It also cures various diseases and chronic health problems, thus it has therapeutic effects. It improves physical fitness along with good health to great extent. Asanas should be performed in duration of 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The breath should be controlled while performing. It should not be performed immediately after meal.

II. Pranayama

The word 'pranayama' is comprised of two words-prana' plus; ayam'. Prana means 'vital energy' of 'life force' and 'ayama' means'control in this way pranayama means 'the control or regulation of prana. There are three parts of pranayama :

1. Purka: Purka means inhalation.
2. Rechaka: Rechaka means exhalation
3. Kumbhaka: Kumbhaka means retaining the breathe. There are two types of  kumbhaka:
4.Internal Kumbhaka: To retain the breath after complete inhalation is called internal kumbhaka.
6. External kumbhaka : To retain the breath after complete exhalation is called external kumbhaka.
Types of Pranayama
1 Surya Bhedi Pranayama
2. Ujjayi Pranayama
3 Sheetkari Pranayama
4. Sheetali Pranayama
5 Bhastrika Pranayama
6. Brahamari Pranayam
7 Kapal Bhati Prnayama
Benefits of Pranayama
1 It increases the capacity of lungs (vital capacity).
2 It improves memory, mental sharpness.
3 It strengthens the respiratory organs.
4. Heart and abdominal viscera get gentle massage.
5 It controls and regulates sense organs.
6 It reduces stress and strain.
7 It provides a lot of energy, power and strength. 
8.Increase life process by improving health and fitness.
9. It relaxes the body stability to the mind and increase construction.
10.It increases the oxygen carrying capacity in blood.

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