Physical Education
Physical fitness is that condition of body which is physically sound and healthy especially from the result of exercise and proper nutrition Without the help of physical activities games and sports, it is not possible to have physical fitness it is the condition of general well being marked by physical as well as mental stability physical fitness is the fitness of body with strong immunity
system so it becomes very necessary for every person to do some physical exercise or play some games or sports to keep himself/herself fin A satisfied and happy state of mind and body can relieve stress the most and serve best is the objective of World Health Organization Fitness wellness and lifestyle cannot be purchased they are to be earned through regular and systematic tenses programmer and positive life style habits In India, a number of sports committees and health organizations have been constituted from time to time for achieving these twin aims of physical fitness and wellness for their risen Some of these institutions are - Raj Kumar Amrit Kaur Sports Training Scheme (1954) Laxmi Bar National Physical Education time 11957), National Sports Institute (1961) Sports Authority of India (1984) National Sports Skill Scheme 119857 New Sports Policy (2002) The institutions established for
Meaning and Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle
Meaning of Physical Fitness
Generally the meaning of physical fitness is taken as a men's ability and efficiency to do work the performance of work with agility and enthusiasm without experiencing tiredness is mans measure of physical endurance There are different views regarding physical fitness Some say it is related to task or work Some consider it as zoo torching physique Many consider it as proper functioning of physiological systems whereas it is a term with wide meaning is more than the possession of strength speed and endurance The person who remains energetic enthusiastic and cheerful in doing his/her work is said to be physically hit the level of this fitness varies from individual to individual depending upon the nature of work size structure age sex of an individual and the kind of sports he participates in et Affine person has sufficient body movement physiological functioning and psychological set up to meet the emergencies' Fitness of an individual depends on personal habits Physical fitness and good health are considered the same but it is wrong A healthy person may be physically unfit because he may be tacking in any of the component of physical fitness.
Definitions of Physical Fitness
"It is the ability of a person to do daily routine work without fatigue, moreover to participate in playful
activities and still reserves enough capacity to meet any emergency
- Webster's Encyclopaedia
"The human body's ability to move with the desired speed, balance agility and strength gained through proper exercise and nutrition
Successful adaptions to the stresses of one's lifestyle.
Plenaries the capacity to meet the present and potential physical challenges of life with success
-David R. com
Physical in depends on the bio dynamic potential potent which is composed of functional and his metabolic Opteva
- Bruco Balle
Physical fitness is defined as the capacity of an individual to adapt and respond favorably to physical effort
-American Medical Association
In accost can be watchcase the ability to function effectively and efficiently to enjoy ensure to be health,
to rest disease and to cope with the emergency exudations Physical faces varies according to the nature or work individual se hace of the body and sex.
Meaning of Wellness
Physical health is an ability which enricher falsehood tone aspect physical fitness. An individual does not only get physical development bus also gain mental social and emotional development by this ability so that
wellness is considered more than physical capacity of working The faculty a man needs to pin at an ideal living called physical wellness Proper nutrition making control weight control anion free life and
entertainment come under the concept of health mental thinking Hence it can be said that health and physical fitness both are the two sides of a com The ideal condition of both of these holus a sportsperson each on the peak of pcrtomance because the ability of effective performance
can be developed in a healthy and in body
Definitions of Wellness
"It is an integrated method of functioning which is oriented towards maximizing the potential of individual capabilities by well balanced relation of body mind and good health
- James Randi
"Wellness is health related practice to optimize individual ability with balance of physical psychological
intellectual social emotional and spiritual aspects of lite
- Halbert L Dunn
Thus we can say that wellness is balance of physical mental social emotional intellectual and spiritual
life of individual i improves the optimum level of capabilities of individual in other words it is the
maximal capacity of individual to lead a well balanced life related to good health active physical life positive mental abilities well adjusted socialite phycological balance balanced emotional lite good spiritual life release to stress etc
Components of Wellness
Wellness is much more than merely physical health exercise or nutrition It is the full integration of states of physical merits and spiritual well being the model used by our campus includes social emotional spiritual environmental occupational intellectual and physical wellness Each of these seven dimensions art and interact in a way that contributes to our own quality of life
1.Social Wellness: it is the ability to relate to and connect with other people in our world Our ability to establish and maintain positive relationships with family friends and co-workers contributes to our Social Wellness.
2.Emotional Wellness: it is the ability to understand ourselves and cope with the challenges life can bring the ability to acknowledge and share feelings of anger fear sadness or stress, hope love, joy and happiness in a productive manner contributes to our Emotional Wellness.
3.Spiritual Wellness: the ability to establish peace and harmony tour tout the den ability to develop
between values and actions and to realties common purpose that binds creations together contributes to our spiritual.
4.Environmental Wellness: the ability to reconnect our own responsible to the city tear the water was the stand that surrounds us the ability to make a positive impact on the quality of our comment being our home communities or our planet contribute to our Environmental Wellness.
5.Occupational Wellness: the ability to get personal fulfillment from our chosen career field while maintaining balance in our lives our desire to contribute in our career to make one impact on the organizations we work in and to society as a whole leads to Occupational Wellness
6.Intellectual Wellness: was the ability to open cur mind to new ideas and experiences that
can be applied to personal decisions roup interaction and community Determent The dense an earn new concept mot and sex challenges in pursuit of lifelong learning contributes to our intellectual Wellness Jo
7.Physical Wellness. It is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get through our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress the ability to recognize that our behaviors have a significant impact on our wellness and adopting healthful habits routine check up a balanced diet ever neer while avoiding destructive habits tubacin degus al cool etc) will lead to optimal physical wellness.
Importance of Physical Fitness and wellness
For leading a happy and well balanced life physical fam wellness and lifestyle plays an important role the importance of physical fitness wellness and lifestyle can be explained in the following way
1.Proper Growth and Development: For enhancing proper growth and development of an individual to enjoy better life physical fitness wellness and lifestyle is important
2.Efficient Body Functions: For efficient body function physical fitness wellness and lifestyle is important this leads to good health and optimum development of the body
3.Total Efficiency is Improved: the importance of physical fitness, wellness and lifestyle can be judged from this fact that the total output of a person with respect to an unfit person reassess manifold
4.Personality Development: Physical fitness wellness and lifestyle helps in improving the personality of a person to helps to attain good shape and structure of body and remove postural deformities.
5.Prevention from Various: to prevent us from various diseases, physical fitness Wellness and lifestyle is important improves immune system and reduces risk of minor ailments
6.Delays Fatigue: lo decay fatigue physical fitness wellness and lifestyle is important
7.Quick Recovery: for quick recovery after severe activity and after injury and lines physical fitness, wellness and lifestyle is important
8.Better Quality: of Work The quality of work performed by a person can be judged by his physical fitness Wellness and lifestyle A physically fit person works in efficient manner which produces
9.Better quality of work: Develops Competitive Edge Physical fitness wetness and lifestyle is important for developing competitive edge over the opponents because a physically fit person can play for longer time with ease than his less fit counterpart
10. Develops Social Qualities: A physically fit person has a pleasing personality which gives him confidence in public dealing and he develops soral relationships
11 Provides Emotional: Outlet For an individual to express his inner feelings and emotion, physical fitness, wellness and lifestyle programmers are very important Thus, in reduces frustration
Meaning of Lifestyle
Human life is based upon the body one keeps all the activities of life are done with the help of healthy and fir body Nature has created humans to perform various types of activities efficiently Today modernization has made human life easy as most of the work is performed by machines. The sedentary lifestyle has reduced the human efficiency The lazy lifestyle of humans as also led to many health problems like cardiac disorders diabetes cancer asthma obesity and many more chronic problems.
A Lifestyle does of course involve wealth and careers but it also covers such things as habits family status and more.
The following definitions may be very significant in understanding the exact meaning of lifestyle
1. In an Encyclopedia of Public Health "lifestyle generally means a pattern of not individual practices and personal behavioural elevate or reduce health risks
2.According to American Heritage Dictionary. A way of life of style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a chances that are related person or group
3. "A way of living of individuals groups and societies which manifest in coping with their physical, psychological social and economic environments on a day to day basis.
4. Lifestyle is a pattern of behavior or way of an individual lives".
5. "Lifestyle is the typical way of life of an individual group or culture".
6. Lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects the person's value and attitudes".
7. Lifestyle is a set of attitudes habits or possessions associated with a particular person or group".
Hence we can say that lifestyle is a way a person leads his/her life It includes the patterns of social relation consumption
also reflects persons. entertainment and dress lifestyle as expressed in activities attitudes interests opinions and values sell image or self concept the way they see themselves and believe that they are seen by other persons.
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